Love it!
This game deserves a 10! It feels like a Lucas Arts classic in quality!
Love it!
This game deserves a 10! It feels like a Lucas Arts classic in quality!
Thanks a lot, you're much too kind. :D
Worlds cutest Hippos! XD
Thank you :-)
The game is very charming and fun! However I feel that there are things that could be improve to reach an even higher score. My main complaint is that it almost feels a bit like luck if you can catch the drops or not, it goes a bit to fast and its hard to have time to navigate toward drops, also you can be unlucky or lucky with the spawning of drops. However the charm and overall feel of the game compensates this! :)
Wow love the game
Was just going to test it out, about 3-4 hours later I am sitting here with all levels completed on Gold and every single upgrade bought. Only thing that I didnt got was the secret achivment :P Clock is 3:44 in the morning. time to sleep! Great Game!! :D
Riktigt Grymt!
Really really liked this gme, it was extremly frustrating at parts, but the fact that i beat it tells me I liked it so much that i could overcome that :) To be honest I dont really like the gameplay mecanics or the actuall "enemies" in the game (except for the flying eye thing, that one was nice and gave me a Silent Hill wibe)
For me the greatness of the game was all about the atmosphere and feeling. I really liked the fuzzy camera style to (wish more games would have that kind of estetics, only other game i have seen it in is Kane & Lynch 2).
It often feelt like i was playing a dream or something. Its rare to get that really oterwordly feeling from something. Good Work! Bra Jobbat! :)
Dont think i have played anything quite like it! And i like it! :D
One of the best flash games i have ever played.
Nuff said.
Axeman floor 277. Its a fun game, but it do get repititive :p Some more strategic element and more enemy types would not hurt.
Why am i just clicking stuff but having so much fun and cant stop??! WHYYY
Age 41
Joined on 2/16/05